Getting started

How do I work on a new project using AWS Blu Insights?

AWS Blu Insights users need to get certified in order to get access to its features (see certification program).

What is a Codebase project?

Codebase projects represent your modernization project and contain the tools and resources that you need to assess, explore, decompose, organize and coordinate development tasks, and track project metrics. Projects are associated with a single codebase. You can create a project from a local archive, import it from a Secured Space, or upload it from an S3 bucket through the presigned URL generated using the S3 console.

What is a Transformation Center (TC) project?

TC projects represent the transformation environment that allows to interact with Velocity: transform, refactor and generate the modern source code.

What is a Secured Space?

A Secured Space is a container for storing and sharing project artifacts among teams. A Secured Space can represent your company, organization, or group. You can invite team members to your Secured space and manage permissions. You can create private spaces as well.

What is a Versions Manager project?

Versions Manager projects are a comparison of two codebase projects source code files. It helps track changes made on the legacy applications (updates, new programs, deleted programs, etc.) during the lifespan of the modernization project.

What are the supported programming languages?

The complete list of the supported platforms, languages, and extensions is available here.

Where can I find help on AWS Blu Insights if I have questions?

You can find a lot of details in the documentation. You can also get in touch with your AWS Blu Age point of contact (or trainer). In addition, you can engage with AWS Support by using the AWS Support Center.

Is AWS Blu Insights available in other languages?

AWS Blu Insights is only available in English. However, we have made sure that all fields you may wish to complete can handle pretty much any language.

Which browsers are supported?

We highly recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to have the best experience when using AWS Blu Insights. The platform also works well in the latest version of Firefox.

Can I manage/use AWS Blu Insights programmatically?

No. We currently do not offer an API to enable programmatic control of AWS Blu Insights.

Can I reuse existing data when I start using AWS Blu Insights?

AWS Blu Insights proposes an imports feature, which allows to reuse data from another project and avoid you to recreate all your projects artifacts.

Once logged to AWS Blu Insights, some expected features are missing. What can I do?

We tied the features available in AWS Blu Insights to your certification level. If you notice that some expected features are missing, please follow these steps:

1. Check your certification level: Some features may not be accessible based on your current certification.         
2. Double-check your login details: Confirm that the AWS account ID and email address you're using for AWS Blu Insights are the same as when you set up your account.    

Does my customer need to be certified?

No. Customers (contractors of a modernization project) have a specific role in Blu Insights that allows them to create a Secured Space, to be invited into the Codebase and Transformation Center projects. See Start a new modernization project.

Who to contact when facing an issue with Skillbuilder?

Please contact the skillbuilder team for assistance.