
At the ends of the process, a timestamped excel report is created in the _migration-logs\theConnectionName folder of your reverse project. 
For example, a file: summary-migration_cnxPostgreSQL1_2022_02_23_11_55_03.xlsx will be created in _migration-logs\cnxPostgreSQL1

It contains tab about queries launched from step (except data) with following information by file containing sql content:

FileThe exploited file
Start timeThe start time
End timeThe end time
Elapsed timeThe elapse time for all file treatment
StatusThe OK or KO status
QueryThe launched query(ies)
ErrorNumber of encountered errors

It also contains tab about data the tool tries to insert with following information by table:

TableThe table
Start timeThe start time
End timeThe end time
Elapsed timeThe elapse time for all file treatment
Lines in fileThe number of records (line) to insert
Record in tableThe number of inserted records
StatusThe OK or KO status, according the expected and presents records match