Global Step


The global step is unique and optional. It defines default values that are automatically applied to any specific steps that omit those values. All properties are optional.


Property nameDescriptionValuesDefault value
multithreadNumber of threads to use for parallel stepsInteger
  • Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1
  • 1 if only one processor is available
encodingEncoding to considerer when reading filesStringUTF-8
path.exe.oracleThis property specifies the execution path for OracleStringNone
path.exe.mssqlThis property specifies the execution path for MSSQLStringNone

Path of the SQL Model JSON file. It can be absolute or relative path      
The SQL MODEL file (sqlModel.json) contains all DB2 objects extracted from DDL files. It's generated automatically during the transformation and automatically stored in your project's database folder.

[DOCKER] To use this property see path in Docker



The following configuration illustrates a global step configuration for Data Migrator


With this configuration, by default, all steps will use:

  • 5 threads for processing
  • projectTest/SQLMODEL.json to locate the SQL Model JSON file
  • CP037 for character encoding.