Data Migrator - v2.0.0

Release v2.0.0


  • Data Migrator is now compatible with docker.
  • Data Migrator allows to use AWS Secrets Manager to retrieve connection details (see database identification).


We introduced new properties:

  • sqlmodel.path to specify a custom location for SQLMODEL.json file.
  • ignoreDeletedRecords: in mainframe data files, deleted records are filled with blank characters, leading to an exception when Data Migrator reads a blank numeric field. It is now possible to configure Data Migrator, with this new property set to true, to ignore record starting with blanks.
  • dataBaseDriverPath to provide the location of the database drivers’s folder anywhere in the system/computer.
  • dataBaseServiceName to add the possibility of a connection to an Oracle database using a service name. This property is not compatible with dataBaseName property.
  • convertGraphicDataToFullWidth: By default, SQL graphic data is coded on two bytes. When it is not the case, this property needs to be set to true.
  • dataBaseCustomConnectionUrl allows the customer to provide a full custom connection URL to the database.

See for more details.

Bug fixes

  • Data using charset Custom930 were fixed in this release.
    • all low-level and all high-level data bytes in a graphic type field were not correctly interpreted by Custom930 charset, resulting in unreadable character. 
    • The two bytes data FE FD was not mapped.
  • PostgreSQL database connection gets closed randomly when using a search path query.
  • Data Migrator handles BLOB columns for a specific case.
  • For Oracle, fixed an exception when loading a huge data file with the sqlldr command.
  • Fixed a path issue to support Windows and Unix systems.
  • Line feed character into string column data implied issue for Oracle. Generalize csvOneLiner property behavior for Oracle.
  • For PostgreSQL, when csvOneLiner property is used, decimal literal in the NUMERIC column was not formatted.