We introduced the following new properties:
We introduced new properties:
allows the customer to specify a SQL script path to initialize the modernized database.disableFastDataInsertion
disables it. It will decrease the performances, it is to use for POC project until a fix is done.multithread
property.We introduced a new property:
allows the customer to provide a full custom user identifier to Oracle SQL loader.We introduced new properties:
shows to Data Migrator that input csv data files have a header line to skip.oracle.ctlOptionClauseSqlldr
allows the customer to provide the Oracle SQL loader's option clause.ebcdicNullByteIndicatorPositionMode
is set to ALWAYS_LEFT, Data Migrator considers Null Byte Indicator to determine the actual column size.We introduced new properties:
to specify a custom location for SQLMODEL.json file.ignoreDeletedRecords
: in mainframe data files, deleted records are filled with blank characters, leading to an exception when Data Migrator reads a blank numeric field. It is now possible to configure Data Migrator, with this new property set to true
, to ignore record starting with blanks.dataBaseDriverPath
to provide the location of the database drivers’s folder anywhere in the system/computer.dataBaseServiceName
to add the possibility of a connection to an Oracle database using a service name. This property is not compatible with dataBaseName
: By default, SQL graphic data is coded on two bytes. When it is not the case, this property needs to be set to true
allows the customer to provide a full custom connection URL to the database.
See Mirations Steps for more details.
search path
property behavior for Oracle.csvOneLiner
property is used, decimal literal in the NUMERIC column was not formatted.